

Wal-Mart and Robots

Can't Wal-Mart, a Retail Behemoth, Pay More?

From the article:Articles like this demonstrate why companies like Wal-Mart have such a strong desire to go robotic. With robots running the stores instead of humans, all of these pay issues fall away. Plus, the store can stay open 24 hours a day. And customer service will actually get better.

The article Robots in 2015 argues that the robotic Wal-Mart is just not that far away. From the article:The article Robots to help out blind shoppers discusses a new robot for the blind, saying, "Computer scientists in the US have developed a robot that could help blind people to shop or find their way around large buildings. It uses radio frequency identification tags to locate items and a laser range finder to avoid collisions." That very same technology is what will guide the restocking robots in the stores.

At about the same time, the robotic technology being developed in the Grand Challenge will be bearing fruit, and one to two million truck drivers will be becoming unemployed.

At about the same time, Robotic call centers will be eliminating most of the call center jobs that remain in the U.S.

And so on...

See Robots in 2015 and Robotic Nation for details.

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