

India's robot army

India to embark upon robotics, remote tech weapons

From the article:20 years from now, who do you think would win a robotic war between China, India, the EU and the USA?

The Singularity may well occur not in the USA but in India, if Indian programmers build the best AI Minds.
Marshall... are you asleep at the wheel?

I refuse to believe the Singularity can occur if page layouts like the one in that link are allowed to continue (http://www.blogcharm.com/Singularity/25603/Timetable.html). Good god!
What mindmaker says makes sense. However, economic factors should also be taken into account. If the best programmers in the world are bribed to migrate from China or India, that would turn the tables. Again, the richest country would win.
WOuld the US be the richest country in 20 years time? Don[t think so today, today I would bet for China...
Question, would there be such pressure to end the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan if there wasn't a growing bodycount of American Soldiers?

Would there be as much hesitation to invade North Korea and or Iran to prevent them from getting Nuclear technology if very few American lives would be lost in the process?
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