

Car which will book you for speeding

Car which will book you for speeding: "Roadside speed cameras will be redundant eventually because vehicles will automatically cop themselves for speeding.

This is the plan of the Department for Transport, which has commissioned companies to develop aircraft-style black boxes for cars. They will record every aspect of a vehicle's performance and automatically issue a ticket every time the vehicle exceeds a speed limit.

The black boxes will be linked to central computers via the Global Positioning System so that the prevailing speed limit is known at any given point in time.
Every time a vehicle breaks the limit the black boxes will send a signal to the computer with the car registration number and a ticket will be issued automatically."

This trend will be short-lived. Cars will be driving themselves. However, in the meantime the idea that you will be carrying a robot police officer with you in your car at all times is interesting.

Is this really a bad thing? When someone flys by you and your family on the freeway, do you really think "good for them, they look like they're having a great time!" I know I don't. My thoughts usually are along the lines of "I hope there is a motorcycle cop hiding under the next overpass...".
My first thought is that this ain't ever gonna happen in America. Its a civil liberty to break the law, don't you know?

But, the one way it may happen is if people are paid significantly (insurance premium discounts) to adopt the technology. Even then, I give it at least 10 years out...
I hope there's an option to just: "don't let me speed."

On the flip side, I imagine that the speed limit should be changing all over the place...
This is OK for rental cars, since you don't own the vehicle anyway. But for this to be forced on you, ain't right. The only way I would agree to this would be if I received 80% lower insurance rates. THAT would be worthwhile.
The penalty for speeding is pretty severe. I think this is because it is meant as a deterrant since they can't catch you every time you speed. If they can catch you every time you speed then the penalty for speeding should be greatly reduced.

Why allow the car to go over the speed limit at all? If you can monitor the cars speed you can probably control it too.
This system is ridiculous. It should just limit the speed of the vehicle instead of reporting you for speeding. What's more offensive: your car playing big brother or mom?

I've heard it claimed that the whole system of speeding violations has become nothing more than a revenue source for local government and no longer has any real intention of reducing speeding. BS like this certainly supports that view.
Michael, I think it' be something you could turn on & off.
Isn't this sort of unconstitutional?

"This system is ridiculous. It should just limit the speed of the vehicle instead of reporting you for speeding. What's more offensive: your car playing big brother or mom?"

That's actually a good point, and a system I would much rather have.
I agree with this system, but do you guys really want to be limited to 70mph when driving away from a tornado, for example? There has to be some sort of emergency override.
yea right...if new cars get this technology I bet everyone will be driving used ones.
Ever hear of "the customer is always right"?

If 99% is always speeding, then clearly the speed limits are not working. Change them.
>> I agree with this system, but do you guys really want to be limited to 70mph when driving away from a tornado, for example? There has to be some sort of emergency override. <<

I suppose it should just turn off in the case of a tornado, as it is not recommended to attempt to "outrun" a tornado by vehical.

But, an opt in 'cruise control' system may be useful for some. Have the vehical set it's max speed based on the speed limit.

You could probably brew your own system by combining publically availible speed limit maps, a GPS system, and an varailble governer unit. Creat an array of data matching GPS Cordinates to speed limit -- with a garage wi-fi unit, you could dock and upload current DOT data nightly.
I certainly wouldn't waste my time trying to develop any system that reinforces the belief that your government owns you. You own the government. Change it if you don't like it.
Unfortunately, Marshall tends to choose headlines which support his theory that technology will overwhelm and suppress people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Tech that flourishes is the kind that consumers want. Example: People wanted a more convenient way to listen to music and huge variety. So initially, Napster and others flourished. Fastforward, and iTunes was developed by the folks at Apple and it now accounts for a slim majority of people who want music (note: people who want free music will never use iTunes anyway). Moral of the story: Tech that provides, gets ahead.
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