

Robot IQ test

IQ test for AI devices gets experts thinking

From the article: "How do you tell just how smart your robot is? Give it a universal IQ test, researchers suggest.

Traditional measures of human intelligence would often be inappropriate for systems that have senses, environments, and cognitive capacities very different from our own.

So Shane Legg and Marcus Hutter at the Swiss Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Manno-Lugano, have drafted an idea for an alternative test which will allow the intelligence of vision systems, robots, natural-language processing programs or trading agents to be compared and contrasted despite their broad and disparate functions."

But should Deep Blue have a huge IQ? If you make a tiny change to the rules of chess then Deep Blue would totally fail. Intelligence as I see it is far more general and flexible than this.
Yes, but what is an "effective" rule? And effective for what purpose?

The universal intelligence measure provides answers of a sort to these difficult questions.
Intelligence is an intricate duet of Knowledge and Imagination.
I like the idea of a "smarts" unit, I plan to thusforth use it in my computer projects.

However, I'd like to add that "smarts" units somehow should be qualified as to what they do. So of like a vector instead of scalar.

Where like Metres you could simply say "100m" or you could say "100m west". With smarts you'd do it like "21smt" or "21smt Load and Store"

Anybody else got any further input?
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