

Walking robots

Rambling robots show human efficiency

From the article:One thing that the Robotic nation article points out is that the humanoid bodyform will be the preferred platform for robots. Part of that is human vanity, and part of it is the fact that the humanoid form makes it easier for robots to "fit in" to the human world -- they will be able to climb stairs, ride escalators, get in and out of trucks more easily, etc. Engineers will figure out things like walking, and then the price of the basic "humanoid chassis" will fall to the point where it is extremely inexpensive.

See also - ASIMO

Engineers will figure out things like walking, and then the price of the basic "humanoid chassis" will fall to the point where it is extremely inexpensive.This is actually already happening.
Witness Korean HUBO that was recently in the news, built for a "mere" 1 Millon USD but its almost as capable as ASIMO, which cost around 300 Mil.
Also, bipedal platrofms are becoming available to hobbyists, for instance:

Traditionally, all the hobby bots were built with wheels. Bipeds are definitely a trend.
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