

A page straight out of Manna

The sci-fi book Manna describes a future where computers take over more and more of the tasks in restaurants and retail stores -- places which employ approximately 20 million Americans today. This article takes a page right out of the book:

The New York Times >A Drive-Through Lane to the Next Time Zone

From the article:He also knows that this call center can move to India, where the costs will be 10x lower. Within 15 years, robotic voice recognition systems will allow these kinds of tasks to be handled completely by robots and kiosks.

Think about how many jobs can already be outsourced to India using this kind of technology (either voice-only or video-phone): bank tellers, job interviewing, directory assistance, tax preparation, security, medicine... The number of jobs we are talking about is immense. See Robotic Nation and these posts for details:

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