Robots in the operating room
It is exactly as predicted in a Robotic Nation:
Dr. R2-D2 - The invasion of the surgeon robots
From the article:
Humans prefer robots to people.
Dr. R2-D2 - The invasion of the surgeon robots
From the article:
- There is one realm, however, in which robots really are joining the gang: the operating room. It turns out that Americans love to be operated upon by them. Last year, robots participated in thousands of surgeries, and the years ahead promise even more choices. Cancer surgery, heart surgery, brain surgery, you name it—R2-D2 awaits your call. The robots even have their own medical journal (OK, it's run by the humans who operate the robots, but egad!).
Humans prefer robots to people.
Zappos and robot workers
Zappos tries robots on for size
From the article:
The Kiva Systems article is interesting: Kivasystems.com
From the article:
- the company, which now sells more than just shoes, has just finished outfitting it's Kentucky warehouse with a robotic army to help fill orders, the company supplying the system announced Tuesday.
The Kiva Mobile Fulfillment System from Massachusetts-based Kiva Systems, is basically a team of autonomous, stout, orange robots that sort, store, and move inventory in warehouses. The robots essentially bring the assembly line to the warehouse worker to fill orders more quickly.
The Kiva Systems article is interesting: Kivasystems.com
Germany's 'robot' restaurant
Robots' time has almost come
The Economist weighs in on robots:
Robots are getting cleverer and more dexterous. Their time has almost come
"Today, thanks to the relentless increase in the power of computing, the latest robots are being fitted with sophisticated systems that enable them to see, feel, move and work together. Robot engineers call this “mechatronics”: the union of mechanics, optics, electronics, computers and software. Some factory robots are now smart enough to be released from their safety cages to work among humans. And as they become cleverer and more dexterous, they are starting to move from factories to offices and homes..."
Robots are getting cleverer and more dexterous. Their time has almost come
"Today, thanks to the relentless increase in the power of computing, the latest robots are being fitted with sophisticated systems that enable them to see, feel, move and work together. Robot engineers call this “mechatronics”: the union of mechanics, optics, electronics, computers and software. Some factory robots are now smart enough to be released from their safety cages to work among humans. And as they become cleverer and more dexterous, they are starting to move from factories to offices and homes..."
Robots with a mind of their own
Military-style checkpoints
D.C. Police to Check Drivers In Violence-Plagued Trinidad
From the article:
From the article:
- D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier announced a military-style checkpoint yesterday to stop cars this weekend in a Northeast Washington neighborhood inundated by gun violence, saying it will help keep criminals out of the area.
Starting on Saturday, officers will check drivers' identification and ask whether they have a "legitimate purpose" to be in the Trinidad area, such as going to a doctor or church or visiting friends or relatives. If not, the drivers will be turned away.
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