

Evolutionary algorithms now surpass human designers

A really interesting article on evolutionary algorithms and how they are replacing human designers:

Evolutionary algorithms now surpass human designers



Robotic cockroach

A very strange wheeled and legged bug-like robot. Here is a video:

Engadget article:

Halluc II



Robot fly

Robotic Insect Takes Off: "A life-size, robotic fly has taken flight at Harvard University. Weighing only 60 milligrams, with a wingspan of three centimeters, the tiny robot's movements are modeled on those of a real fly. While much work remains to be done on the mechanical insect, the researchers say that such small flying machines could one day be used as spies, or for detecting harmful chemicals."

The techniques they use are interesting:



The perfect game of checkers

The game of checkers has now been completely solved:

Check on Checkers: In perfect game, there's no winner

From the article: There will come a point where computers are better than humans at everything. See Robotic Nation for details.



Synthetic snot might help robot nose smell trouble

Synthetic snot might help robot nose smell trouble: Now researchers at the University of Warwick in England have hit upon a way to dramatically improve a robot's sense of smell: synthetic snot...



Researchers Dream of Humanizing Androids

Researchers Dream of Humanizing Androids

From the article:



HRP-3 Promet II, Coming Soon to a Job Near You

HRP-3 Promet II, Coming Soon to a Job Near You

From the article: The article has a nice video and photos.

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